LAFCO Commission Meeting
March 20, 2025 Full Agenda Packet.pdf
Item A-1: LAFCO File No. 3-R-22: Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation No. 19 to Cayucos Sanitary District (Valley Lot)
Staff ReportAttachment A: LAFCO Resolution Approving the Sphere of Influence Amendment and AnnexationExhibit A: Categorical ExemptionExhibit B: Annexation Map and Legal DescriptionAttachment B: LAFCO MSR & SOI Review Factors-Government Code Sections 56430 and 56425(e)Attachment C: LAFCO Proposal Review Factors-Government Code Section 56668Attachment D: Vicinity MapAttachment E: Conditional Intent to Serve Letter from the CSDAttachment F: Plan for ServicesAttachment G: County Notice of Final Action Letter for Minor Use Permit N-DRC2021-00001Attachment H: Geo Solutions Engineering Geology Investigation Report, dated October 22, 2019Attachment I: Geo Solutions Supplemental Information, dated May 11, 2022Attachment J: Conditional Intent to Serve Letter from CSA 10Attachment K: Valley Lot Plans
Item A-2: LAFCO File No. 3-R-23: Sphere of Influence Amendment and Annexation No. 20 to Cayucos Sanitary District (Stanley Lot)
Staff ReportAttachment A: LAFCO Resolution Approving the Sphere of Influence Amendment and AnnexationExhibit A: Categorical ExemptionExhibit B: Annexation Map and Legal DescriptionAttachment B: LAFCO MSR & SOI Review Factors-Government Code Section 56430 and 56425 (e)Attachment C: LAFCO Proposal Review Factors-Government Code Section 56668 and 56668.3Attachment D: Vicinity MapAttachment E: Stanley Residence Plan SetAttachment F: Conditional Intent to Serve Letter from the CSDAttachment G: Plan for ServicesAttachment H: Soils Engineering and Geologic Hazards Reports Stanley Residence, January 2010,
April 2014, and December 2022Attachment I: County of San Luis Obispo Conditions Associated with RBLD2022-00295Attachment J: County of San Luis Obispo, County Service Area 10A (Cayucos) Conditional Intent
to Serve Water to APN 064-405-010 Letter
April 2014, and December 2022Attachment I: County of San Luis Obispo Conditions Associated with RBLD2022-00295Attachment J: County of San Luis Obispo, County Service Area 10A (Cayucos) Conditional Intent
to Serve Water to APN 064-405-010 Letter
Item A-3: Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Status and Work Plan Report
Item A-4: Appointment of Designated Representative for Labor Negotiations