- Attachment E_Plan for Services.pdf
- Attachment F_Annexation Agreement between NCSD and NKT Development, LLC.pdf
- Attachment G_NCSD Phasing Plan.pdf
- Attachment H_Final Environmental Impact Report
- Attachment I_Dana Reserve Specific Plan.pdf
- Attachment J_County CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations.pdf
- Attachment K_Development Agreement Between Applicant and County.pdf
- Attachment L_NCSD Sphere of Influence Update and Municipal Service Review
- Attachment M_Dana Reserve Water and Wastewater Rate Impact Analysis Study.pdf
- Attachment N_Revised Dana Reserve Development Water and Wastewater Service Evaluation MKN Study.pdf
- Attachment O_Dana Reserve Water Supply Assessment.pdf
- Attachment P_ Economic and Fiscal Impact Analysis for DRSP.pdf
- Attachment Q_Housing and Infastructure Regional Framework Final August 2023.pdf
- Attachment R_NCSD Response to Commission Request Regarding Policy 2.3.2